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Create and setup your new youtube channel

Create and setup your new youtube channel



Work Flow:

  • Channel Setup
  • Channel Logo
  • Channel Banner
  • Channel SEO
  • Optimize Description

Hello! Would you like to initiate and expand a channel, whether it’s new or already established? I will help set up a professional channel, including a logo, banner, and SEO optimization.

I’m Umair, a channel manager. I’ve handled big channels in different countries. Here to help you with anything for a successful channel!

Work Flow: (It will help the YouTube algorithm understand your content and show it in top searches if anybody searches related to it.)

  • Channel Setup
  • Channel Logo
  • Channel Banner/Art
  • Channel SEO Optimization
  • Optimize Description

Many individuals are unaware of crucial settings and commence their channel without them. Consequently, after a few weeks, they cease uploading videos owing to insufficient viewership.

What occurred? Before uploading videos, we must ensure all the essential settings have been completed to aid the YouTube algorithm in comprehending our channel’s content and target audience. Both elements are mandatory. When all settings are done, your channel is poised for a successful launch.

If you have any issues, simply send a brief message, and I fix it within a few hours.

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